
Common problems during elevator maintenance

The elevator accident rescue was not timely. Elevator maintenance companies are messy and diverse, and the level of maintenance is uneven, resulting in delayed elevator rescue. At present, there are many elevator maintenance companies in China, but due to improper market management, the maintenance level of each company is uneven, and the emergency response capability is poor, so that many maintenance construction units cannot rush to the maintenance site in time after receiving the elevator failure, thus missing the most The best time to rescue. In addition, a large number of maintenance organizations did not formulate emergency plans in advance, and often made temporary personnel arrangements only after being notified. This seriously affected the progress of the rescue.

The elevator maintenance market is chaotic. With the acceleration of my country's urbanization process and the massive use of elevators in urban construction, the demand for elevators on the market is also increasing year by year. At the same time, it has driven the rapid development of its maintenance unit, but the service quality of elevator maintenance is uneven. Mainly because many companies do not have professional maintenance technicians, and there is no necessary equipment and maintenance quality assurance system. In addition, in order to create benefits or win over customers, some companies lower their repair quotations, but cut corners during repairs and charge shoddy goods.

The quality of the elevator maintenance team is not high. With the increase in market demand for elevator maintenance, many elevator maintenance companies have also been established. This has led to the increasing market competitiveness of elevator repair and maintenance, but the economic benefits have decreased a lot. Many professional maintenance technicians are leaving their jobs more and more, but the elevator maintenance construction unit does not pay enough attention to the training of professional technicians, and many new employees do not have high professional skills and do not fully understand the safety performance of elevators. , The repair progress is slow.

The elevator users lack maintenance awareness. Although our country has clear regulations, it is necessary to guarantee the maintenance work once every 15 days during the use of elevators, and the contents of the maintenance are explained and emphasized in detail. However, a large part of elevator users did not carry out maintenance work on time according to the specified content. Repair and maintenance work is not even carried out once a month. In order to cope with the inspection of related units, some users only make a rough check during the inspection of elevator safety, and it is easy to miss some hidden safety hazards in elevator operation.