
New Elevator Installations

New Elevator Installations:

MOZITOR Elevator Parts Co., Ltd.  we take great pride in our work, knowing that we can give our customers many years of worry free vertical transportation service. Please click on one of the links below for more information on the quality products.

MOZITOR Elevator Parts Co., Ltd., elevator offers a complete line of residential elevators for the homeowner with a need for a vertical lift. MOZITOR Elevator Parts Co., Ltd. also offers one-shop service;

Traction elevators

Traction elevators are ordinarily found in buildings that serve more than five floors, however their applications have no limitations in regard to the number of floors they can serve. Traction units can be found in two story office buildings or skyscrapers. Due to the complexity of these traction units they often necessitate a higher level of maintenance. Three factors are taken into consideration when determining the cycle of preventative maintenance visits for traction units. These factors are the environment in which the equipment is located, age of equipment, and use of the elevators.

Residential Elevators

Hydraulic elevators are used frequently and have a vast range of applications. Small buildings under five stories are typically where hydraulic units are found. Hydraulic units are limited by the number of floors that they can serve. Often these limitations are not due to the inability of the equipment, but reflect more on the cost of installation versus the long-term maintenance costs. Hydraulic elevators, which serve many floors in high traffic facilities, are not as cost efficient as are traction units, in regard to the units’ performance and maintenance cost. Compared to traction units, hydraulic elevators are not as complex. They too require regular systematic preventative maintenance. Although hydraulic units are not as complex, they do consist of man made mechanical devices, which need attention on a regular basis to ensure the safety of their passengers and the continuous operation of the unit.

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